A Sugar Baby usually expects to get a significant allowance from a rich sugar daddy. For Sugar Babies, averages are a benchmark used for estimated the fair amount to expect from rich men who play the role of Sugar Daddies. Of course, in this lifestyle, you won't want to be take advantage of, whether you are a pretty and young Sugar Baby or a rich Sugar Daddy.
Statistics show that the average allowance a Sugar Baby receives from rich single men is around $3,000. This obviously varies, depending on lifestyle expectation and location. The allowance is higher than this average in cities with higher cost of living. This allowance can also take various forms. It can come in the form of cash, but also bills paid, tuition, and gifts.
Now, just because you know how big is this average Sugar Baby allowance, this doesn't necessarily mean you should always expect at least that minimum amount. Most often, this needs to be negotiated or worked up to. The variables taken into account in discussing the allowance are defined by the connection, people involved, the circumstances, and Sugar Daddy's generosity.
This doesn't correlate directly with the Sugar Daddy's net worth, since his wealth cannot be defined only by his fixed assets. For instance, some rich single men listing income over half million dollars on a rich Sugar Daddy website as salaried professionals might be more liquid as the business owners and entrepreneurs who are making over one million. Or a guy with no dependents making only $250,000 may dispose of more income because than another guy making $400,000 but paying child support.
Your allowance is based on what the rich Sugar Daddy is willing to spend and what he can afford. However, by no means should money determine your notion of your self-worthiness. Optimal would be if you can get an allowance that helps you achieve your goals. But you need to be aware of the fact that rich single men cannot sustain a high lifestyle for you and a separate one for themselves. Most allowances will only partially help your needs. Don't expect to stop working and don't expect to transform your allowance into a jackpot solution.
Registering on a rich Sugar Daddy website is the first step on your way to this exciting lifestyle. Once there, you need to enter some entertaining and engaging conversations with some rich Sugar Daddy of your choice, based on his profile matching your preferences. However, is not a good idea to act like you feel entitled to this average allowance amount.
With the vast majority of Sugar Daddies, this approach won't benefit you. It's best to let them make the first step into discussing the allowance amount.
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